Saturday 1 September 2007

BBC Radio Scotland: Tartan Toyboys (1995)

I found this short motion piece using typographic imagery influenced by a radio conversation soundbites after looking at Callum Barker's Blog on Type in Motion. The motion piece was developed by Barnbook and can be fond on their website. The theme of the convesation is about male strippers (women talking about a strip show they are going to watch called The Tartan Toyboys). The visual style is heavily influenced by postitute cards found in telephone booths. The animation is cut to the conversation and is a collection of stills with elements of the conversation appearing in the chosen type styles creating a punchy aesthetic as well as suggesting an almost 'found' look to the images - taking typography out of context to link in with the soundtrack.

1 comment:

callumbarker said...

I saw that at the Jonathan Barnbrook exhibition in the Design Museum London and totally forgot about it until I saw this post thanks. Its really nice, works brilliantly with the casual way the words are spoken. It almost as though seeing words helps with understanding the accent. 1995 as well, pretty cool. I really like the foggy bummer as well one where it combineds live footage stills and type.