Monday, 25 June 2007

Levi's: Freedom to Move (Viral Advert)

Here is an example of a fantasic viral advert for Levi's that has created a lot of attention. The creators of the viral, The Viral Factory, have created this viral and given it a sense of realism by releasing 14 different versions of the 'stunt'.

The viral shows a gaint marionette on the streets of Reykjavik being controlled by Helicopters, this would be impossible and is a hoax but becuase the virals were low quality video and the reaction of the civilians seems genuine it makes you want to believe it is actually happening. Also, The Viral Factory put in place seven groups of extras (ranging from couples to groups on a night out) to react as if the marionette were there and film the action on hand-held cameras, phones etc.

The marionette was filmed separetely on a greenscreen and then worked into the best of the Reykjavik footage in post-production using Flame.

Absolute were responsible for reworking the footage. The difficulty with the tracking and compositing of this particular viral was that the original footage was purposefully low quality and there were almost no tracking references to work from.

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