Saturday, 11 August 2007

Chester Subway Murals

Recently there has been a movement in my hometown to improve city elements like subways and try and lift some of the current stigma associated with them. Above are four murals developed by volunteers with input from some of the churches in Chester. The murals represent different elements of Chester i.e. The Roman and Victorian influences as well as showing some of the famous architectural elements of Chester like the Eastgate Clock and the Fountains Roundabout.

I really like the idea of using design like this to brighten up the area and improve elements of the urban environment. My only concern is that although the murals look fantastic they aren't that big in real life and don't really cover up enough of the subway walls, if the murals stretched across a full wall I think they could create an even bigger impact than they do already.

However, these murals are a vast improvement to Chester's subways and it is refreshing to see artwork being put into use in an urban environment (this is not a new thing but seems to often be forgotten about).

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