Saturday, 1 September 2007

Seasick Steve

One of the many musicians who played the Carling Leeds Festival but the most interesting one of them all. Seasick Steve is a Delta Bluesman who can really captivate an audience. His use of narrative story-telling is reminiscent of folk music but reflects on the hardships and woe of his life before he was discovered.

With the Mississippi Drum Machine; A small wooden box that is stamped to provide percussion, Seasick Steve creates a constant beat that is simple but catchy. His main guitar is called 'The Three Stringed Trance Wonder'. This is a normal guitar, but with only three strings. At the gig, he told the audience the story of how he got the guitar and that he bought it for $75 in this condition in Mississippi from a man named Sherman, who later told him he only paid $25 for it the day before. Steve vowed never to add another string, and that he would tour the world telling his story of how Sherman ripped him off.
After unfolding the origins of his number one guitar he goes onto claim that it is the "...biggest piece of shit in the world!".

From a design point of view Seasick Steve provides a snapshot of Mississippi culture and the Detla Blues scene that has been lost alot in modern day music. His live performance works so well because it is honest and intimate. His style of playing seems to be more about communicating emotion and wisdom from his life experiences.

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